arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

World Social Forum Begins in Brazil
by Chris Strohm [posted by kitty] Friday February 01, 2002 at 11:01 AM

About 50,000 people are converging in Porto, Alegre, Brazil for the second World Social Forum.

The second World Social Forum began in Porto Alegre, Brazil, on Thursday with a massive march through the center of the city that brought together tens of thousands of people from around the world.

Two marches actually began separately in the afternoon and converged in the center of the city, one organized by radical youth and the other by the official WSF organizing body. About 50,000 people participated in the march by its end, which culminated with a large concert and fireworks in the local park.

During the next five days, Porto Alegre will be the center of a giant experiment to examine how groups and individuals can develop alternatives to capitalism.

The World Social Forum is a smorgasboard of activity, as delegates and participants to the official events are gathering for meetings and conferences while thousands more are pouring into town for radical organizing, direct action and plain old hardcore partying.

The slogan for this year's forum is "Another world is possible," but the challenges behind turning that slogan into a reality were evident on the first day.

For example, the youth march was organized in opposition to the official World Social Forum. One person reported that some people in the youth march were pushed and hit by people from the offical march when the two marches converged.

The police escorted protestors through town and there were no reports of police aggression. The police were expected to behave, however, because the city's government -- the Worker's Party (PT) -- is sponsoring the World Social Forum.

At one point during the youth march, a contingent of people separated and seized an abandon house in order to give it to the landless. According to activists, the police immediately came to the house, prompting the activists to set up barricades. However, the activists determined the house was in such poor condition that it was not worth keeping and left. Other direct actions are now being planned throughout the weekend.

An alternative forum organized by youth, communists and anarchists is also being held to oppose the official World Social Forum. Participants in the alternative forum say the official one is becoming institutionalized and is not radical enough.

Most delegates and participants to the official events are staying in hotels or private homes throughout the city. But about 10,000 people are camping at a youth camp near downtown. The youth camp is where the alternative forum will be held and has its own media center and FM radio program. The camp is alive with activity all day and night, as people stay awake playing music, singing and partying. The Worker's Party is sponsoring the youth camp.

The youth camp is already in full gear, but the workshops and conferences for the official World Social Forum begin on Friday (today).