arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Please demonstrate at Colombian Consulate/Embassy
by urgent Saturday December 15, 2001 at 03:59 AM

Paramilitary are massacring blacks in Colombia and were rewarded with 300 million euros for the Colombia Plan. Activists in Colombia say a small demo could be very effective at the Consulate: rue Van Eyck, 44.

A new operative of paramilitars has started in the Naya River, in the=20
Pacific Coast of Colombia, where black communities are settled. Last night=
the first masacre took place. They haven't account the amount of murdered=20
people yet.
Many of you have met the some delegates from the PCN, who came from that=20
river and Yurumangui River, during their tour in Europe.

Last night the masacre started, but it is only the begginning. It is clear
that they will continue all along the river and then the next river,=20
Yurumangi. Hundred of people will be killed, and it seems that the only=20
thing we can do is waiting for the list of deaths, as they were only=20
numbers and information and not humans beings. Yes, we can send letters, we=
must do it anyway, thousands of letters. But we have to do something else.=
I don't know what, maybe action against the colombian consulate, maybe=20
calls and faxes to our own shit goverments to ask them take the=20
responsability and send the typical letter...

I know for a couple of things
that the actions against the consulate have some effect in Colombia, even
if they are small. That was clear in a couple of cases.


Rue Van Eyck, 44
B-1000 Bruselas

Tels. 02 649 07 68
Fax: 02 649 24 04

e-mail :

Tranvías 93 ó 94, parada "Abbaye"

Horario de atención al público: Lunes a viernes de 9 de la mañana a una de la tarde.

Cónsul General de Colombia

Cónsul de Segunda Clase