arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

the more recession the more absurd reformism reacts
by octo Wednesday December 12, 2001 at 03:17 PM 0478/960599 Kapellekensweg 84 3391 Tielt-Winge

At a reunion of Belgacom syndicalists in Leuven , a top 'red'negociator who was there to explain about the concrete plans to put the plus50 workers at home with an income of 75percent(I will not explain the details here) ,this man began his exlanation with pronouncing that Belgacom will have a deficit of 17MILJARD BFr IN 2007.

My reaction was : 'So what you are saying, means that we
cannot go in the offensive at least untill 2007. What will you be saying if for exemple each telecom-company got bancrupt, maybe that 'people will have no more need of telephones' " ? This society forbids people to work, because the very survival of speculation for a living is at risk. The topmanagers of industry have designed higly overburocratic sollutions to get rid of another 45OO people,
without putting them on pension already (forbidden by State)
The leaders of the unions have listened and studied very carefully and have added here and there a little amendement. Why should we follow these 'educated' proposals ? Because it is attractive to stay at home ?
In the last years the liberalisation of the sector brought technical advancement, but also made us work as slaves again. For the custumors prices went up; our pay stayed law
It is time that we use our free-time to study the history of the workers movement and keep an eye on all kinds of politics that the ones payed by capitalism and the ones payed by us as unionmemebers; try to impose us.
You can contact us if you want to join this study.