arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign
by (PTUDC) Wednesday November 21, 2001 at 05:57 PM

Info over de arrestaties en mishandeling van syndicalisten in Pakistan.

Beste, Lees de onderstaande tekst zo snel mogelijk en schiet dan in actie. Als eerste en "gemakkelijke" actie stel ik voor dat we met zoveel mogelijk naar de ambassade bellen in hun eigen naam of in de hoedanigheid van hun organisatie of als militant of delegee om te protesteren tegen de aanhouding en repressie tegen de vakbonden in Pakistan en tegen deze vakbond en zijn leiders in het bijzonder.
Dit zijn de telefoonnummers Tel.: 02/673.80.07
Fax: 02/675.83.94 DELEURLAAN 57 1170 BRUSSEL

Dear Comrades, This morning we have received the news from Pakistan of the arrest of comrade Hameed Khan, the leader of the strike of the Baluchistan . Civil Secretariat Employees Association, which was reported on our web page yesterday. This is an extremely serious situation. As the main strike leader, Hameed faces severe torture at the hands of the state. It is essential that we move IMMEDIATELY to protest this action and bring every pressure to bear on the Pakistani authorities. Experience has shown that such pressure has an effect. Speed is essential if we are to save our comrade. Please give this matter the maximum publicity in the trade union and labour organisations in your country. Organise protest lobbies with placards outside the Pakistan embassies and consulates and invite the press. Send articles and letters to the local papers. Organise public meetings to explain the situation in Pakistan to the workers And youth. And send letters of support and donations to the Pakistan Trade Union Campaign. (e-mail: We urge all our comrades to act immediately to protest against the brutal repression of our fellow workers and trade unionists in Pakistan. DO NOT DELAY. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION, IF IT IS ONLY A LETTER OR PHONE CALL TO THE EMBASSY. BUT PLEASE ACT NOW.