arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

by pIET Tuesday October 09, 2001 at 02:36 AM

Zowel de familie Bush als de familie bin Laden verdienen aan deze oorlog!

by Jared Israel [8 October 2001]
Includes report from the 'Wall Street Journal'

Saudi Binladin Group, the conglomerate owned by Osama bin Laden's family, has invested in:

"Carlyle Group, a well-connected Washington merchant bank specializing in buyouts of defense and aerospace companies."

Through his lofty position at Carlyle and as a consultant, George Bush Sr. is closely linked to the bin Ladens. As are other powerhouse U.S. politicians.

Given that their business is "defense," the Bushes and bin Ladens will profit handsomely from the current war.