arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

Beni Guils (east Marrocco)
by Facere (protesta team) Thursday April 19, 2001 at 10:30 AM 02/4107539 72, rue Meylemeersch 1070 Anderlecht

Interview of Sedia Touille, from the humanitary organization "Ecoliers sans frontières", about a project in east Marrocco, by the "comme sur des roulettes" radio team.

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Interview of Sedia Touille, from the humanitary association "Ecoliers sans frontières", about a project in east Marrocco, by the "comme sur des roulettes" team.
This nomadic tribe has problems to have scholarship for their children and also suffers from the defects of their waterpump. They are located in the desert, close to algerian frontier. Mrs Touille describes the situation and the action of her association. The interview has been made during the weekly "Comme sur des roulettes" radio show, animated by cerebral palsy people (I.M.C.) living at facere centre, Brussels.