arch/ive/ief (2000 - 2005)

close "the School of Assassins"
by SOA Watch Thursday December 07, 2000 at 05:41 PM 202.234.3440 PO Box 4566 ~ Washington DC 20017 ~ USA

Globalize the Resistance - the U.S. Army School of the Americas trains soldiers from Latin America to protect the interests of U.S. corporations and maintain the economic status quo for the few rich and powerful in the U.S. and their cohorts in Latin America.

On January 17th, people all over the world will hold vigils, demonstrations and engage in nonviolent civil disobedience to voice their opposition to the "School of Assassins." This date marks the day that the SOA will be re-named "The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation."

The U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA), located at Ft. Benning, Georgia, is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers. The SOA was established in Panama in 1946 – supposedly to promote stability in the region. But it's reputation for churning out despots soon earned it the nickname, "Esquela de Golpes" or "School of Coups."

In 1984, the SOA was kicked out of Panama under terms of the Panama Canal Treaty, and a major Panamanian Newspaper dubbed it "The School of Assassins." The name was well-earned and well-documented. SOA trained soldiers have left a trail of blood and suffering in every country where they have returned.

During its 54 year history, the SOA has trained over 60,000 Latin American troops, and continues each year to train hundreds of soldiers in combat skills such as commando tactics, military intelligence, and psychological operations. In 1996, a White House report revealed the existence of training manuals used at the SOA that advocated torture, execution, and blackmail.

SOA-trained troops have used these skills to make war against their own people, with disastrous consequences. Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, assassinated, "disappeared," massacred, and forced into refuge by those trained at the "School of Assassins."

In response to growing criticism, the Pentagon has mounted a smoke and mirrors PR campaign to keep the SOA open. Minor changes in the curriculum of the School -- which even SOA supporters have called cosmetic -- and the upcoming name change are part of this campaign.

Rebecca Johnson is organizing a dawn to dusk vigil at the gate of Fort Benning for the entire month of January. A creative nonviolent civil disobedience action is being planned in January to coincide with the re-opening of the school. All are invited to join in for the entire month or any part of it. Limited housing will be available in Columbus. If you'd like more information about this, please contact Rebecca at (508) 289-7813 or

SOA Watch is calling on local groups and individuals to take action on January 17th. Organize educational events, vigils, demonstrations and direct actions at federal buildings, Army bases and other appropriate locations.
If we join our strengths ‘the powers that be' cannot for good and working together towards a future with dignity for all people. Organize and Educate!

If we unite our voices and our strength, the powers that be will not be able to stop us from shutting down this "School of Assassins" once and for all. Let us continue to work together towards a future of Justice and Peace for all people.

Key Resource for organizing against the SOA:
"Solidarity in Action" - The key to the tremendous power and the success of the organizing work against the SOA is the tireless activism of thousands of individuals and groups. This detailed manual provides you with essential information to start a local SOA Watch office and offers help for effective actions, media and legislative outreach. $13 (students $10)
Order from: SOA Watch/NE ~ 6367 Overbrook Ave ~ Philadelphia PA 19151

Please contact us with information about actions being organized in your region so that we can include this in our media-blitz (phone: 202.234.3440, Email:

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